project management

PS+: The highly effective solution accelerator used by highly effective project managers

By: Eoin Callan, Managing Partner

effectiveThe Microsoft Project Virtual Conference 2016 session presented by Eric Verzuh of the Versatile Company made reference to Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People when describing strong project management and project managers.  Some people perform the seven habits naturally (they’re born leaders), some people do them consciously with effort (they’re trained leaders), while some people practice the seven habits sporadically or not at all (they are the co-workers and/or bosses that frustrate us). ☺

PS+ is a solution accelerator for Microsoft Project Online that helps everyone on the team practice effective project management habits!

Be proactive:  tackle quality and process issues immediately when you adopt PS+.

Begin with the end in mind:  productive collaboration doing a temporary job well

Put first things first:  team member needs are given priority so everyone benefits.

Think win/win:  PS+ meets user needs, so systems get used properly giving good data.

Seek first to understand then be understood:  Good data shows where true issues are and gives factual foundations for reporting root causes to executives and sponsors.

Synergize:  Leverage the efforts of other groups and departments and make the most of your enterprise’s entire resource pool and results.

Sharpen the saw:  The time and effort saved by installing PS+ can be spent as you see fit – we suggest a well-deserved vacation ☺ or a training class to improve your skills.

We’ll explore in subsequent blogs how PS+ helps support people looking to practice each of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.  In summary, PS+ executes on each of the Seven Habits, so if you’d like to be effective, you want to have and use PS+!